The world of professional football is fascinating in many ways. The sporting exploits of the players, the fervor of the supporters, and the astronomical sums circulating in this environment do not fail to captivate attention.

Who has never dreamed, even for a moment, of living the life of a professional footballer? Magnificent salaries, international glory, and a daily life punctuated by thrilling training and matches... The dream seems idyllic.

But what happens when the lights go out and the cleats are hung up? What happens to the fortune accumulated during these years of glory?

This is the question we will address in this article. As we explore the realities of life after football, we'll discover that career change isn't always an easy path, even for those who have found success on the field.


Take the example of Cristiano Ronaldo, one of the most famous footballers in the world. In 2023, his annual income was estimated at €120 million, a large part of which comes from his salary and sponsorship contracts.

While this amount is staggering to most of us, it is important to remember that the professional football career is short. The question of wealth management and retraining then becomes crucial to guarantee a stable and serene future after the end of one's career.


On average, a professional footballer in France receives a gross annual salary of 750,000 euros. This figure can rise exponentially for the most talented players, reaching millions of euros per year.

These high salaries, although justified by the intensity and demands of the profession, nevertheless raise important questions. How do players manage these large sums of money? Do they have the tools and knowledge to plan their financial future?


When the applause dies down and the stadiums empty, the reality can be brutal for some footballers.

How many of them manage to successfully retrain and maintain a standard of living comparable to that of their sporting career?

This is where the real challenge lies: transforming temporary wealth into lasting capital that will allow players to flourish in their lives afterward.

Next step:

In the remainder of this article, we will explore the different facets of this problem. We will analyze the factors that contribute to the difficulty of retraining, the initiatives put in place to support players, and the success stories which demonstrate that positive retraining is possible.

In conclusion, we will highlight the importance of wise financial management and preparation for retraining from the start of a footballer's career. Because it is by making the right decisions today that players will be able to build a solid and peaceful future for tomorrow.

The difficult reconversion of footballers


An alarming observation emerges: more than 60% of professional footballers find themselves in financial difficulty a few years after the end of their career.

In France, a study by FIFPro (International Federation of Professional Footballers) revealed that 77% of players were in a difficult retraining situation, 5 years after their sporting retirement.

Reasons for failure:

Several factors contribute to this complex situation:

  • Late retraining: Most players embark on a career change after the age of 30, which can limit their options and put them in competition with younger, more experienced people.

  • Lack of preparation: With priority given to sporting performance, training and post-career planning are often neglected.

  • High lifestyle: Accustomed to a comfortable standard of living during their career, some players have difficulty adapting to a less prosperous financial reality.


There is no shortage of examples of footballers who encountered difficulties after their career.

David Ginola , for example, experienced significant financial problems after his retirement from sports, due to mismanaged investments.

Eric Cantona also underwent a difficult reconversion, before finding his way in the world of cinema and television.

Wealth management for footballers

Importance of Financial Management:

Given the high salaries they receive, good wealth management is essential for footballers.

It is crucial to put in place a solid financial strategy to:

  • Save for the future and protect yourself against the unexpected.

  • Invest wisely to grow your capital.

  • Plan your retirement and post-career.

Risks of waste:

Reckless spending and lack of long-term financial planning can jeopardize footballers' financial futures.

Those around you can also play a negative role by encouraging excessive spending.

Tips for healthy management:

  • Using competent financial advisors is essential to making informed savings and investment decisions.

  • Investing wisely in diversified financial products helps minimize risks and maximize the chances of success.

  • Adopting a reasonable lifestyle in relation to your income is essential to avoid debt and financial difficulties.

Initiatives to facilitate retraining

Role of clubs and federations:

More and more clubs and federations are becoming aware of the importance of retraining footballers.

Training and support programs are put in place to help players prepare for their professional future.

Training and professional retraining:

These training courses can cover various areas, such as:

  • Business management

  • Sports coaching

  • The media

  • Events

Examples of success:

There are examples of footballers who have succeeded in their professional reconversion thanks to adequate support.

Thierry Henry successfully retrained as a football coach.

Djibril Cissé has created his own clothing line.

These examples demonstrate that a positive career change is possible for footballers, provided they make the right decisions and receive support.

The retraining of footballers is a complex and multidimensional subject.

Although there are many difficulties, solutions exist to support players in their transition to a second career.

By becoming aware of the issues and preparing for them from the start of their career, footballers can put all the chances on their side to successfully retrain and build a peaceful future.


In conclusion, this article has highlighted the challenges and opportunities linked to the retraining of footballers.

If the statistics show a difficult reconversion for the majority of players, it is important to emphasize that solutions exist to support them in this transition.

Message of hope:

The importance of better career management and preparation for retraining from the start of the career is essential.

Encouraging initiatives are being put in place by clubs, federations and specialized organizations to help footballers train and develop useful skills for their post-career.

Examples of success:

Examples of successful retraining demonstrate that the transition to a second professional life is possible and can be fulfilling.

Call to action:

It is up to footballers to take charge of their future and to use the tools at their disposal to build a peaceful future after the final whistle.

By investing in their training and planning their reskilling today, they can turn their passion into a springboard to a new career and a life full of new opportunities.