The history of Martinican football: a journey to the heart of a passion


On October 12, 1993, the Pierre-Aliker stadium in Fort-de-France exploded with joy. Martinique has just achieved the feat of qualifying for the CONCACAF Gold Cup, the first time in its history. This historic victory against Canada symbolizes the climax of a long and rich love story between Martinique and football.

It is this story that we invite you to discover today.

From the first dribbles on black sand beaches to the exploits of Martinique players on the international scene, we will retrace the key moments that shaped Martinique football. An exciting journey to the heart of a passion that has united and driven the island for over a century.

So, sit back comfortably and get ready to thrill to the rhythm of Martinican football !

The beginnings of football in Martinique (19th - early 20th century)

Football appeared in Martinique at the end of the 19th century, probably brought by European settlers and sailors. At first it was practiced informally on beaches and wastelands.

The influence of European settlers and sailors was decisive in the initial development of Martinique football. They brought the rules of the game, the first balls and contributed to the creation of the first clubs.

The first Martinique football club, the Club Colonial de Fort-de-France, was founded in 1903. Other clubs quickly followed, such as US Robert, Golden Star and Etoile de Morne-Rouge.

The first competitions were also organized at the beginning of the 20th century. The Martinique Cup was created in 1919 and the Martinique championship in 1933.

The rise of Martinican football (20th century - middle)

The first half of the 20th century was marked by the structuring of Martinique football.

The Martinique Football League was created in 1958. This institution made it possible to better organize competitions and develop football on an island scale.

Great Martinican players and clubs also began to emerge around this time. Among the most famous players, we can cite Marius Trésor, Roger Zami, Alfred Marie-Jeanne and Jocelyn Angloma.

Martinican football also began to participate in the first regional competitions, like the Caribbean Cup. Martinique won its first title in 1983.

The golden age and international recognition (mid-20th - late 20th century)

The prosperous period of Martinique football took place between the 1980s and 2000s.

The Martinique team has seen a golden generation of talented players, like Jean-Marc Civault, Daniel Marius, Patrick Percin and Thierry Frappe.

This generation managed to qualify for the CONCACAF Gold Cup three times, in 1993, 1998 and 2002. Martinique's best performance was achieved in 1993, with a semi-finalist place.

These historic qualifications have had a positive impact on the influence of Martinique and made Martinique football known on an international scale.

Martinique football in the 21st century

Martinican football continues to develop in the 21st century.

Current challenges and issues are many :

  • The development of training for young players

  • The question of professionalism

  • Integration into the elite of international football

Martinique has the potential to become a major football nation and to compete with the best teams in North and Central America.

The future of Martinican football is promising and there are many reasons to be optimistic.

Martinique football has come a long way since its humble beginnings on the island's beaches.

Its strengths are numerous :

  • A popular passion and enthusiasm for football

  • A long football tradition

  • Talented players and a successful national team

  • A well-structured Football League

However, there are also weak points :

  • A lack of financial resources and infrastructure

  • A level of play still below the best international nations

  • The difficulty of breaking through to the professional level

The future of Martinican football is promising.

Hopes are high :

  • Develop the training of young players

  • Increase the level of professionalism

  • Join the elite of international football

With the support of its supporters and local authorities, Martinican football can achieve great things.

The history of Martinique football is a story of passion, talent and perseverance. It's a story that is far from over and which promises to have more great surprises in store for us.