The Island of Iconic Stadiums: A Journey to the Heart of Martinique Football

An unforgettable memory

It was a few years ago, at the Pierre Aliker Stadium. The setting sun caressed the crowded stands, while the supporters vibrated to the rhythm of songs and drums. The Martinique team faced a great South American football nation. Every pass, every shot was followed by a wave of emotions, hope and tension. The winning goal, scored in the final minutes, triggered an explosion of indescribable joy. That day, I understood the power of football in Martinique and the importance of the stadiums which serve as temples to this passion.

Football and Martinique: A love story

Football is not just a sport in Martinique, it is a true religion. From small villages to big cities, stadiums are places of gathering, sharing and expression. They symbolize the identity and pride of a population that vibrates to the rhythm of dribbling and goals.

A journey through the stadiums

In this article, we invite you on a journey through the most emblematic stadiums of Martinique. We will explore their infrastructure, their history and the unique atmosphere that exudes there. From brand new stadiums to historic venues, we will reveal the secrets of these places that make the hearts of Martinicans vibrate.

So, fasten your seat belts and prepare for an overview of the fields that make up the legend of Martinican football !

Martinique’s must-see stadiums

In search of the best land

To determine the “best stadiums” in Martinique, several criteria were taken into account:

  • Accommodation capacity:The number of seats available for spectators is an important indicator of the importance of the stadium and its attractiveness.

  • Infrastructure:The quality of facilities, such as the pitch, changing rooms, stands and audiovisual equipment, is essential for the comfort of players and supporters.

  • History:The past and the significant events that took place in a stadium contribute to its aura and its symbolism.

  • Atmosphere:The electric atmosphere created by fans at matches is an essential part of the footballing experience.

The Pierre Aliker Stadium: An essential reference

Located in Fort-de-France, the Stade Pierre Aliker is the largest stadium in Martinique with a capacity of more than 15,000 seats. A true temple of football, it hosts the international matches of the Martinican selection and the island's major sporting events. Inaugurated in 1970, it was renovated in 2013 to meet international standards.

The Stade Georges-Gratiant: A showcase for local football

The second largest stadium in Martinique, the Stade Georges-Gratiant is located in Lamentin. With a capacity of more than 10,000 seats and night lighting, it is the playing field of renowned clubs such as the Club Colonial and the Aiglon du Lamentin. Inaugurated in 1969, it was renovated in 2007 and offers modern facilities for players and supporters.

Travel back in time at Stade Louis-Achille

For lovers of history and tradition, the Stade Louis-Achille, located in Fort-de-France, is a must-see place. Inaugurated in 1920, it is one of the oldest stadiums in Martinique and has witnessed many legendary moments in local football. With its capacity of 3,500 seats and its wooden stand, it offers an authentic and unique atmosphere.


In the rest of this article, we will explore other stadiums that make Martinique football so rich. From brand new venues to more modest grounds, we will reveal the secrets of these places that make the hearts of supporters vibrate.

Other Stadiums to Discover in Martinique

The adventure goes on

Beyond the Pierre Aliker and Georges-Gratiant stadiums, Martinique is home to a multitude of other venues that are worth the detour. Let's discover some of these stadiums that thrill local fans:

The Alfred Marie-Jeanne Stadium: A cauldron in the south of the island

Located in Rivière-Pilote, the Stade Alfred Marie-Jeanne is a true fortress for the Franciscain Club team. With its capacity of 3,000 seats and its charged atmosphere, it is one of the most feared stadiums on the island. The fans, known for their passion and fervor, create an electric atmosphere that galvanizes the players and makes every match thrilling.

The Claude Gellie Stadium: An architectural gem

The Stade Claude Gellie, located in Sainte-Marie, is distinguished by its original architecture. The wave-shaped main stand offers a breathtaking view of the pitch and gives it a unique charm. With its capacity of 1,500 places, it is the playing field of the US Marinoise and also hosts athletics competitions.

The Stade En Camée: A green setting

Nestled in the heart of Vauclin, the Stade En Camée offers an idyllic setting for football matches. Surrounded by greenery, this 1,000-seat stadium offers a calm and friendly atmosphere. Perfect for families and football fans looking for a peaceful atmosphere.

Dillon Stadium: A symbol of the history of Martinique football

Located in Fort-de-France, the Stade de Dillon is a historic stadium which has been the scene of many important moments in Martinique football. Inaugurated in 1960, it has hosted FIFA World Cup matches and international competitions. With its capacity of 5,000 places, it is today used for training and local competitions.

Martinique has a variety of stadiums that reflect the richness and diversity of local football. From brand new stadiums to smaller pitches, each stadium has its own history and unique atmosphere. So, don't hesitate to put on your sneakers and set off to discover these places that make the hearts of Martinican supporters vibrate !

Stadiums at the heart of Martinique football

More than just football fields, Martinique's stadiums are places of life, sharing and emotions. They constitute the basis for the development and influence of local football, offering players a framework conducive to the expression of their talent and supporters a space for communion around their common passion.

Martinican football, a story to discover

Beyond the stadiums, a whole vibrant universe awaits visitors. The Martinique championship, with its historic clubs and talented players, offers a quality spectacle and a unique atmosphere.

Invitation to travel

So, don't hesitate to come and hit the lawns and vibrate in the stands of Martinique's stadiums. Let yourself be carried away by the passion for football and discover the soul of this magnificent island. The Martinique championship has some great surprises and unforgettable emotions in store for you.